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Redirect mobile users to a fully optimized mobile site

79% of smartphone users have made a purchase on their phone within the last 6 months (source). And, as of March 2021, 80% of the top sites on Alexa were adaptive (source). This means that people shop on their phones, and they expect it to be easy.

Your site should be optimized for all devices. Provide a pleasant mobile experience by offering an optimized, mobile site. The most common way to do this is through an adaptive or responsive site.

Responsive design is a development method that adjusts a web page to the screen it’s being viewed on. The content of the page is designed to automatically adapt to various screens. All core content and functionalities remain available across platforms (screens) with this approach. When a site is responsive, the same URL corresponds with all platforms. This means that users don’t have to wait to be redirected to the mobile URL (or hunt down the mobile URL on their own). Less load time means a better user experience. Additionally, all SEO goes to one URL.

An adaptive site is a bit like a responsive site. However, instead of one layout adjusting for any screen size, there are multiple layouts. The site detects which device is being used and displays the corresponding layout.

If you have a responsive or adaptive site, accomplishing this guideline is easy. Just be sure to test your site across platforms to make sure everything looks right.

Again, check all pages on your site to make sure they’re mobile optimized. The key here is to offer an optimal UX for mobile users.

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Next Design your mobile site first

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